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Frequently asked questions
Do you have a question about FutureproofedCities? You can already find lots of answers here.
Where can I log in?
How do I choose my password?
What do I do if I forget my password?
How can I test Futureproofed?
Why can I only create 5 actions and 5 measures?
What if my city isn't recognised?
How much does it cost to programme extra features?
How come I can't add users
What's the difference between a standard user and a read-only user?
Can I send users a new invitation e-mail?
Who uses Futureproofed today?
In which languages does Futureproofed exist?
How can I upload emission inventories for a municipality?
Swedish emissions data framework SMHI
How can I upload data for past years?
How come my total results don't exactly match up with the baseline emission inventory?
Do I still need to insert the city’s consumption?
Where do I enter local energy generation or purchased green energy?
How can I change data later on?
Why are my city's emissions 0%?
How can I upload data specific for my city?
Which emission factors (CO₂ emissions per unit of used energy) does Futureproofed use?
Where can I find the number of E-vehicles per municipality?
What if the carbon sequestration data isn't available for my region?
Are there any measures in the app that are already made to help get started?
How have the current measures been calculated?
What if I want to add a measure that is not in the standard list?
How do I delete an existing measure?
How do I edit the name of a measure?
How can I restore a deleted measure?
How do I edit the start and end date of a measure?
How do I add someone to the list of responsible people?
How do I insert the progress of measures?
How do I insert the fact that my measure is not progressing but regressing?
Will the new progress be automatically added on to the previous progress?
What does ‘behind on schedule’ mean?
Is the cell "investment spread over years" equal to the lifetime of the investment?
Do the investment costs include VAT?
What is the ideal size for a picture accompanying a measure?
How can I get an overview of the measure list?
How can I maintain an overview in the long list of measures and actions?
How do I sort measures and actions?
How do I change power data in kVA into consumption data in MWh?
How is the CO₂ footprint presented?
Can I change the final year of the graph?
What exactly is the difference between the grey rectangles (predictions) and the red dotted line (plan)?
How come the actual reduction (%) in Futureproofed and my climate plan sometimes don't match?
My CO₂ reduction (%) has changed. Why?
Why are my city’s emissions at 0%?
Who can see the public page?
Where can I change the titles of the public page?
How can I change the language of the public page?
Why have the commas and points been switched around in the figures on the public page?
Is there a way to choose the sequence in which my actions are displayed on my public page?
Why does my action appear twice on my public page?