Our Benchmark Dashboard

See how you're doing and what you already achieved

Noëmie Van den Bon avatar
Written by Noëmie Van den Bon
Updated over a week ago

We want to help you get a better insight on what you already achieved with your climate plan and how you’re doing today, compared to other FP users. That’s why we present you our new benchmark dashboard!

1. Our community results

The first part shows you what our growing FP Community has already achieved today by working together and implementing a lot of actions. 🙌

What do you see? 

  • Number of cities and municipalities using Futureproofed

  • Total financial savings per year (only direct savings, based on progress of all measures)

  • Total investment until today (based on progress of all measures)

  • Total carbon savings per year (based on progress of all measures)

  • Number of public measures on all public pages

  • Number of public actions on all public pages

2. Benchmark for your city or municipality 

This part shows you what your city or municipality already achieved and how you’re doing compared to our FP Community 😊. Let’s explain you what you are looking at exactly: 👀

  1. Carbon reduction per person of last 12 months

  2. Investments per person of last 12 months

  3. Financial Savings per person of last 12 months

  4. Number of progress updates of the last month

  5. Number of public actions (at this moment)

1️⃣ Carbon Reduction 

This number shows you the carbon reduced in the last rolling year (=last 12 months) based on the progress of all your measures (so where you are right now). It takes into account the progress of last year and all years before. This is because a measure (let’s say a wind turbine) implemented 3 years ago, still has the same impact today. 

Therefore the value normally only goes up!

How is it calculated?

Suppose you have built 2 wind turbines: one 3 years ago and one 2 months ago. Knowing that  a windturbine reduces 1,266 kton CO₂ yearly, the first wind turbine (built 3 years ago) has reduced 1,266 kton CO₂ last year, since it produced energy the whole year. The other windturbine only produced energy for 2 months, so this year it has only reduced 1,266/6 = 211 kton of CO₂.

This means the total carbon reduction of last 12 months by the windturbines has been 1,477 kton of CO₂. In four months this reduction will have increased to 1,899 kton of CO₂ because by then, the second windturbine will have produced energy for 6 months!  

If you apply this to all your measures, the total sum gives you the carbon reduction. 

  • Want to improve its accuracy? Fill out a more accurate progress history for each measure. 

  • Want to increase it? Implement more climate measures with a high carbon impact.

2️⃣ Investments 

This number shows you the investments done in the last rolling year (=last 12 months) based on the progress of all your measures (so where you are right now). It takes into account the progress of last year,  but can also be impacted by progress from previous years

How is it calculated?

Let’s go back to windturbines. Building one costs about €4,8 million. Let’s say you built 10 of them last year: you invested €48 million. This will be included in your investments in the last year. Once the building of the windturbines happened more than a year ago, these €48 million will not be included in your investments of the last year anymore. Hopefully by this time you’ve done some new investments ;-).

Not every municipality can build 10 windturbines in one year. For smaller municipalities, this is a large or even massive investment. That’s why these investments are often spread over multiple years (yes, you can enter that in Futureproofed 💰). So if you would spread it over 4 years, we would only count a yearly investment of €12 million (for the next 4 years). 

So to end (a bit technical): It’s the sum of all the investments needed for the progress done in this year divided by the years over which these investments are spread, plus the investments of previous years that were spread out across multiple years.

Why the goal of €1000 per person per year? 

It has been calculated that an investment of about €1000 euros per person per year, done by all stakeholders together between now and 2050, is necessary to stay on course with the energy transition for 2050. Of course a city or municipality cannot invest this on its own… That’s why cities are facilitators and need all stakeholders to be engaged in their climate plan to succeed! 🤝

3️⃣ Financial Savings 

Many climate measures make you save money. For example by spending less on fossil fuels (like energy bills) or by producing energy. This number number shows you the direct financial savings in the last rolling year (=last 12 months) based on the progress of all your measures (so where you are right now). It takes into account the progress of last year and all years before. This is because a measure (let’s say a wind turbine) implemented 3 years ago, still has the same impact today. 

Therefore the value normally only goes up!

How is it calculated?

Suppose you have built 2 wind turbines: one 3 years ago and one 2 months ago. Knowing that  a windturbine saves €744 000 yearly,  the first wind turbine (built 3 years ago) has saved €744 000 last year, since it produced energy the whole year. The other windturbine only produced energy for 2 months, so this year it has only saved €744 000/6 =  €124 000.

This means the total savings of last 12 months by the windturbines have been €868 000. In four months this reductionwill have increased to €1 116 000 because by then, the second windturbine will have produced energy for 6 months!  

If you apply this to all your measures, the total sum gives you the financial savings. 

  • Want to improve its accuracy? Fill out a more accurate progress history for each measure. 

  • Want to increase it? Implement more climate measures with a high savings.

4️⃣ Number of progress updates of the last month

Measures that are progressing means impact has been realised by your city! 💪 That's why we show you how many times you and your colleagues updated a progress of your measures in Futureproofed during the last month. Be proud!

5️⃣ Number of public actions (at this moment) 

Communication is key in reaching out to stakeholders that work on your climate plan. Showing you the number of public actions (right now) allows you to follow-up on your communication, set goals and compare your city to other FP users! 

🤔 Wondering why…

… we show these values per person?

Actually for two reasons:

  1. It allows to compare them across cities and municipalities of different sizes.

  2. Smaller numbers are easier to understand: spending ten million on your climate plan sounds like a lot of money, but that’s because it’s hard to understand the value of ten million as we never spend these amounts of money in our day to day lives. 

we use the past rolling year?

  1. Mainly to show you the speed of implementing your plan at this very moment. If we would use the last calendar year, the most recent progress would not be included. That’s why it’s important to update your progress regularly to keep track of your speed! 

  2. It also allows to see how you’re doing now compared to how you did the year before. The past rolling year can easily be compared with the rolling year before that. If we would use the current calendar year, it would not be possible to compare the values with the last full calendar year.

  3. Third, we wanted to show yearly numbers because it’s easy to compare them with some reference values. We know for example that an average European emits 7.2 tonnes of carbon on a yearly basis. We also know that we (all stakeholders) should invest €1000 euros per year per person to reduce these emissions to zero by 2050.

we show the %?

To see where you are in comparison to the other active FP cities

  • What do we mean by active cities? They are all cities that are part of our FP community and have a non zero value for this metric. We exclude the cities with a zero value because this is mostly caused by the fact that some have recently started using the tool and didn’t input their progress yet. Just like for non FP cities, we don’t have enough data about them to make a valid comparison.

  • How do we calculate the % (percentile)? We first sort all the active FP cities based on their score for the given metric from low to high. Your percentile is calculated as follows:

  • p = (i-0,5)*100/n

  • Where i is the number your city received and n is the total number of active FP users.

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