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Different types of users

There are three types of user rights and three types of access rights.

Noëmie Van den Bon avatar
Written by Noëmie Van den Bon
Updated over 6 months ago

As the administrator of your account, you can choose who can see and/or adjust information on the tool. 

You can change the following two for every user:

  1. User rights: these rights determine what adjustments a user can make.
    The options are: Administrator - Standard user - Read-only

  2. Access rights: these rights determine to what information the user has access or what information the user can see.                                                                                 The options are: All measures - Own measures and actions

Combine user and access rights for the ideal combination!

1. User rights

There are three types of users: administrators, standard users and users who are only allowed to read. This determines what they can change in the tool.

  • Administrator: An administrator can change anything, including data, add users and manage their rights. An Administrator can also add new structures and clusters.

  • Standard user: A standard user can change information in measures, actions, etc.., but can't change data parameters, nor add/manage users.

  • Read-only: A user who can only read, can read but not change any information.

Tip: The default setting for all new users is “standard user”, with access to all the measuress and actions. Therefore, if you want to add a user who only has readers’ rights, you must first add him and only then give him readers’ rights.

2. Access rights

Users can have two types of access: to all measures and actions or to own measures and actions (those for which he is responsible). This determines what they can see in the tool.

  • All measures and actions: A user having these rights can see all measures and actions. Whether or not he can change them depends on his user rights (see above). 

  • Own measures and actions: A user having these rights can only see his own measures and actions (those for which he is responsible). Whether or not he can change them depends on his user rights (see above). 

Do you want to know how you add or remove users? 

Find out here

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