Evolution of past emissions

See how the CO₂ emissions of your city have evolved so far.

Noëmie Van den Bon avatar
Written by Noëmie Van den Bon
Updated over a week ago

Your emission inventories are immediately translated into clear graphs to show the evolution of the emission of your city over time. 

Please note: in most to all cases your emissions will lag behind by some years due to data collection and processing.

You will find two graphs in the Futureproofed “Dashboard” tab.

Evolution of CO₂ emissions in the city.

The evolution of past emissions are shown in blue in the first graph, based on the inventories of every year that you have entered e.g. from the “Data input” table. You will find more info on how to do this here.

You can adjust the parameters of those graphs by using the cog. That is further discussed under “Dashboard” section.

CO₂ emissions for the past year per source

The second graph shows the emissions per sector of the past year for which there is available data. You can see the evolution of this if you click the “history” link because you will be taken to the graph of emissions per sector (see here).

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